October’s Elemental Medicine

What is this Elemental Medicine business?

Thank you for asking me that question! Elemental Medicine is a revamped offering of mine, it is an oracle card forecast that seeks to answer the question, “What medicine do I need to navigate the month ahead?” The Elemental part of the medicine speaks to the various zodiac signs (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air). Each month, I’ll be pulling a card for each of the four elements and channeling a message for them. If you’re subscribed to my mailing list, you already have this in your inbox right now! I do offer a more detailed Monthly Medicine for all 12 (tropical) zodiac signs for $5. You can get your pdf of that here. All members of my private group, The Lavender Field, get the Monthly Medicine as part of their membership. You can join the Lavender Field here.

Deck Used: The Spirit Animal Oracle

Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini)


Welcome to October, Air Signs! This month, your medicine arrives in the form of the Hawk, in the upright position. This month you are being called to be on the lookout for messages that may come from unlikely sources. The goal is to make sure that you are open to messages (make sure your spiritual hygiene is on point) and attuned to wherever they may come from. Just as a Hawk flies high and can see in many directions, you need to consider that what you may need will whisper at you, as opposed to shout. You must also have faith in your ability to hear messages clearly. Often clients will say they don’t know if Spirit is speaking to them, when the truth of the matter is, Spirit is speaking but they don’t trust it. Trust that you are a worthy recipient of information this month. Pay close attention as Spirit speaks, Air Signs. 

Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio)


Welcome to October, Water Signs! This month, your medicine arrives in the form of the Crow Spirit, in the upright position. This card actually flipped out as I was shuffling, so let’s get to it. The message of Crow is a reminder that you are a co-creator with Spirit. Alignment is the name of the game. Can you trust that the prayers you pray can and will be answered? Can you keep faith that you are not floating through time alone? This message is one of confirmation. You are in fact on the right path and the things you have been working for are being knitted together by your prayers and by Spirit. The key is to remain focused and optimistic. Yes, life is doing a WHOLE fucking lot right now, but that doesn’t mean that you are being abandoned. I am not telling you to only concern yourself with yourself this month, but instead remember that your guides are concerned with what concerns you. You are not a throw away, Dear Water Signs. Light those candles, write those petitions, and remember that your prayers can and will be answered.

Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo)


Welcome to October, Fire Signs! This month, your medicine arrives in the form of the Turtle, in the upright position. This month, I need yall to take it easy. I know that can be tough for you, Dear Fire Signs, but you’ll simply have to try hard. The answers to your prayers will not arrive by trying to rush or force things, you legit have to slow it down. It can be tough, having to move slower than you are used to, but resist the urge to throw it into high gear. You will have to trust that this slow pace is still movement, and that said movement is moving you closer to your goals. Now is not the time to put more things on your plate. You may simply need to acknowledge that treading water is the right call, right now. Put one foot in front of the other, and know that even if the pace is slower, you will still cross the finish line. 

Earth Signs (Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus)


Welcome to October, Earth Signs! This month, your medicine arrives in the form of the Frog, in the upright position. Summer is over and Fall has arrived. Frog brings with it the message of decluttering your space. Now is a good time to simplify your routine and examine what around you is taking up space needlessly. Clothes you haven’t worn in ages? Donate them. Trash that you’ve been meaning to take out? Toss it. Maybe even behaviors and people who are no longer in alignment? Let them go. If you find your life is currently of obligations that don’t even really fit anymore, you can just remove them. This isn’t about shirking your responsibilities, Earth Signs, but instead it is about honing in on what really belongs in your life right now. You may have spent the Summer saying yes to anything and everyone. Now may be the time to ask yourself if you are even interested in all the things you’ve pledged your time to. Don’t be afraid to clear those things out. Trust that whatever needs to go, is for your highest good. Free yourself from that baggage, whatever form it takes.

with much love and in the Spirit of further, faster, stronger, and sillier:

iya omidele


November’s Elemental Medicine


September’s Elemental Medicine