January’s Elemental Medicine
What is this Elemental Medicine business?
Thank you for asking me that question! Elemental Medicine is a revamped offering of mine, it is an oracle card forecast that seeks to answer the question, “What medicine do I need to navigate the month ahead?” The Elemental part of the medicine speaks to the various zodiac signs (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air). Each month, I’ll be pulling a card for each of the four elements and channeling a message for them. If you’re subscribed to my mailing list, you already have this in your inbox right now! I do offer a more detailed Monthly Medicine for all 12 (tropical) zodiac signs for $5. You can get your pdf of that here. All members of my private group, The Lavender Field, get the Monthly Medicine as part of their membership. You can join the Lavender Field here.
Deck Used: The Citadel Oracle
Earth Signs (Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus)
The Sailor
Welcome to January, dear Earth signs! Your medicine this month came in the form of The Sailor in the upright position. The Sailor speaks to new influences and wanderlust. The Sailor represents two possibilities: the familiar shores of home and the yearning for distant lands. You may be craving a change of pace, however big or small, and the current moment (like the start of the new year) might be the perfect one to start afresh. Even as you embark on something new this month, remember that desiring a change doesn’t mean you abandon yourself. This isn’t about you not being enough. Remember that this month. Who you are at your core is more than enough.
Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini)
The Catalyst
Welcome to January, dear Air signs! This month your medicine came in the form of The Catalyst in the upright position. The Catalyst speaks to radical changes and taking control. Change is coming, Dear Air Signs, whether you like it or not. Life does not and cannot exist in a state of stasis, and our growth this month comes through change. The energy of this card reminds me of the Tower card in Tarot. This month, you’ll need to hold on to your butt lol. It can be really disorienting when the year begins with a whirlwind, especially for signs that are used to being the hurricane, as opposed to experiencing the hurricane. It’ll be okay. This month you are being asked to trust that this change will be for your highest good and that you will be better for it. Do not resist the winds of change, instead get in your boat and raise your sail. Enjoy the journey to a new and beautiful destination.
Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio)
The Hunter
Welcome to January, dear Water signs! Your medicine this month came in the form of The Hunter in the upright position. After shuffling for quite a while, this card flipped right out. The Hunter speaks to surefootedness and predestination. This month you are being called to put your head down and block out all distractions. “You need to get on your zoom” as it were. The forest may be beautiful but stopping to admire the view won’t get you any closer to your goal. Right now the path to victory is clear and your goal is in sight. With the New Year starting, this isn’t about running yourself ragged, but instead about limiting distractions. If you haven’t been as disciplined as you need to be, tighten up. Stay focused and get what is yours.
Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo)
The Scholar
Welcome to January, dear Fire signs! Your medicine this month came in the form of The Scholar in the upright position. After shuffling for quite a while, this card flipped right out. The Scholar speaks to investigation and research. This card is the card of routine and perseverance. I’ve said in the past that there is magic in the mundane, in the consistent but unsexy action we take towards our goals. Right now, you may find yourself at a deadend with no apparent solution. This month, you are being called to take a step back and try approaching the problem from a different angle or asking a trusted friend for help; a pair of fresh eyes can work wonders. Just because you cannot see a way forward, doesn't mean there isn’t one. Try a new perspective on the situation, so you can move forward.
with much love and in the Spirit of further, faster, stronger, and sillier:
iya omidele
with much love and in the Spirit of further, faster, stronger, and sillier:
iya omidele